Visual Regimes of Mobility. Photographic Exhibitions on Refugees during the Financial Crisis in Greece. By P. TOPALI


Visual Regimes of Mobility. Photographic Exhibitions on Refugees during the Financial Crisis in Greece. By P. TOPALI

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Cite as: Topali, P., 2020, "Visual Regimes of Mobility Photographic Exhibitions on Refugees during the Financial Crisis in Greece". Visual Anthropology Review, 36(2), pp.319-342.

This article explores how photographic images of refugees in modern Greece condition national imagination and con- struct new ethnopolitical moral fantasies. It also examines how repetitive images of suffering in photographic exhibi- tions become constitutive of a new regime of mobility in the country during the financial and refugee crisis. I argue that refugees’ images articulate kinship and gender norms, national archetypes, ethnic hierarchies, and ideas of mobil- ity and rootedness. They bind together northern European landscapes and resistant Mediterranean subjects and weave new and old visualities into a single mobility aes- thetic that reinvents national memory and initiates new po- litical moralities.

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