Oral History Group of Lesvos - Interview with Kiki G., resident of Lesvos island


Oral History Group of Lesvos - Interview with Kiki G., resident of Lesvos island

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During the interview, Kiki G, resident of Lesvos, describes her experiences and impressions and gives her own perspective on the so-called 'refugee crisis' as well as on the local society's stance from 2015 to 2019. She talks about an 'internal struggle' she experiences between the feelings of a sudden and unexpected fear, on the one hand, and the impression of being able 'to breathe' because of the presence of 'so many different cultures', on the other. She also mentions various incidents and rumors that puzzle local society, especially in Moria, and she describes the images-both negative and positive, as she says, with which she associates the refugees and asylum seekers.


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